Three methods to make sparkling wines

There are three main methods used to make sparkling wine: the traditional method, the Charmat method, and the Ancestral method.

The traditional method, in Italy called Metodo Classico, is the most labor-intensive and expensive method, but it produces the highest quality sparkling wine. It is also known as the Méthode Champenoise, but the Champagne producers have successfully lobbied the European Union to restrict the use of that term within the EU only to wines produced in Champagne.

The traditional method involves making a still wine, then adding yeast and sugar to the wine in the bottle. This causes a second fermentation, which produces carbon dioxide gas. The wine is then aged on the lees, which are the dead yeast cells. This process adds complexity and flavor to the wine.

After aging, the wine is disgorged, which means that the lees are removed from the bottle. This is done by freezing the neck of the bottle and then removing the cap. The pressure in the bottle forces the lees out of the neck.

The wine is then dosaged, which means that a small amount of sugar and wine is added to the bottle unless is a zero dosage. This adjusts the sweetness of the wine.

The wine is then corked and sealed.

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The Charmat method is a less expensive method of making sparkling wine. It is also known as the tank method.

The Charmat method involves making a still wine, then adding yeast and sugar to the wine in a tank. This causes a second fermentation, which produces carbon dioxide gas. The wine is then aged on the lees in the tank.

After aging, the wine is filtered and bottled.

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The Ancestral method is the simplest and least expensive method of making sparkling wine. It is also known as the Pétillant Naturel (PN) method.

The Ancestral method involves making a still wine, then bottling the wine before the second fermentation has finished. This means that the wine will still contain some sugar, which will ferment and produce carbon dioxide gas in the bottle.

The wine is then aged on the lees in the bottle.

After aging, the wine is disgorged and dosaged, just like sparkling wine made using the traditional method.

You can find in our list Ancarani, Movia, and some other interesting producer.

Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. The traditional method produces the highest quality sparkling wine, but it is the most expensive and labor-intensive method. The Charmat method is less expensive and less labor-intensive than the traditional method, but it produces sparkling wine that is not as high quality. The Ancestral method is the least expensive and least labor-intensive method, but it produces sparkling wine that is not as high quality as sparkling wine made using the traditional method or the Charmat method.


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