Authentic Pasta Bolognese Recipe:

This is the updated recipe for the authentic Bolognese sauce deposited on 17 October 1982 by the Bolognese delegation of the Italian Academy of Cuisine at the Bologna Chamber of Commerce.

Ingredients for four people:

  • 300 g of beef pulp (folder or belly or shoulder rump or drumstick) coarsely ground

  • 150 g of pork belly

  • 50 g of yellow carrot

  • 50 g of a celery stick

  • 50 g of onion

  • 300 g of tomato puree or peeled tomatoes

  • ½ glass of red wine

  • One glass of whole milk, a little broth, olive oil, or butter

  • salt and pepper

  • ½ glass of whipping cream (optional)


In an earthenware or thick aluminum pan, about twenty centimeters in diameter, melt the bacon, first cut into cubes and then finely chopped with a crescent. Add three tablespoons of oil or fifty grams of butter and the finely chopped herbs and let them dry gently.

Add the minced meat and mix well with a ladle, browning it until it "sizzles".

Wet with the wine and mix gently until it has completely evaporated.

Add the tomato puree or peeled tomatoes, cover, and simmer slowly for about two hours, adding broth when necessary; towards the end, add the milk to dampen the acidity of the tomato. Fix salt and pepper.

When the ragù is ready, according to the Bolognese custom, it is customary to add the cream if it is a seasoning for dry pasta. For tagliatelle, its use should be excluded.

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